
Message from Dr. Mahfouz El Shahawy

Dr. El Shahawy's portrait

Sarasota, Florida, August 31/2024

Great news to all my colleagues and friends who might be interested to join us in our upcoming 32 annual cardiovascular disease prevention Congress to be held in Japan, September 26 till October 6, 2024.

I’m very pleased and honored to let you know that all the preparation for this Congress has been finalized and approved for 14.25 CME of continuing medical education and going to be hosted by many of the most renowned professors of Cardiology from the United States as seen on the program. I am also very honored to chair and participate on this upcoming great Congress. 

If you are interested to join, please contact Admiral Travel Sarasota at 941-951-1801 and talk to Michell and see whether space still available and for more details on the Scientific program please see ISCVDP: Tokyo 2024 tab on this website.

Hope that you will be able to join provided space still available.

Best wishes,

Mahfouz El Shahawy